What better way to wait for more Teen Wolfnews regarding the recently announced revival flick than to reminisce about the show's many hilarious moments from a fan-favorite graphic symbol?

Though Scott McCall is the main character of Teen Wolf, no ane radiates more chief character energy than his sidekick, Stiles Stilinski. Stiles is a hilarious character with an expressive face, a sarcastic personality and witty comebacks. He a meme in human form, so it is no surprise that he could be the catalyst for an endless creation of memes.

When He But Wants To Help

"I Don't Know How To Aid You Help Me Tell Y'all Something That Would Help You If I Don't Know Information technology."

This is the Teen Wolf equivalent of the Friends "They don't know that we know they know we know" quote. It is similarly hilarious and then disruptive that it takes people a moment to really understand what is even being said.

Stiles is the chief of manipulation, doyen of distraction, sensei of stalling and wizard of words. He'south had many hilarious exchanges throughout the series, especially with characters he didn't like - such as Scott'south FBI father who was sadly unable to interrogate the brilliant Stiles. This quote would make a very amusing meme to confuse whoever it is sent to.

He's Just Pale And Fragile

"I'm 147 Pounds of Pale Skin and Frail Bone. Okay? Sarcasm Is My Only Defense."

This line is not only hilarious, but the quote also perfectly sums upwardly Stiles'southward character in Teen Wolf. These iconic words have created a litany of wallpaper art, aesthetic images and merchandise. Stiles'south sarcasm is one of his defining traits and is what makes him a fan-favorite grapheme.

Viewers laughed and understood that sometimes sarcasm is the merely defense necessary, especially online. Sarcasm lightens conversations and allows for creativity to shine, so of grade, the best memes are always sarcastic ones. This Stiles quote is perfect meme textile.

When He Wants To Say "I Told Y'all So"

"Well, I Shouldn't Say 'I Told You So' Because Information technology'southward Not Stiff Enough ..."

The residual of the quote "How about I'thou ever right and yous should listen to whatever I take to say and yous should never disagree, ever" makes this moment with Scott fifty-fifty funnier. It epitomizes their friendship and shows that even though Scott is the master character and werewolf, Stiles is the real mastermind of the testify.

This hilarious rant would be great done upward similar other 'I told y'all so' memes, like the one with Barack Obama or Cistron Wilder as Willy Wonka. Information technology's a bright quote for anyone who wants to say 'I told you so' to friends simply feels that something a little fleck stronger is needed.

Fine Not Fine

"I'k Fine ... Aside From The Non Sleeping, The Jumpiness, The Abiding, Overwhelming Fearfulness That Something Terrible Is Well-nigh To Happen."

Though this is one of Stiles' almost heartbreaking quotes in Teen Wolf, it is likewise ridiculously meme-worthy. Millennials, Zillennials and Gen Z are, thankfully, more open about their mental health than previous generations and are also the generations considered to have created internet memes - so of course, the 2 often crossover.

This quote is particularly reminiscent of the "This is fine" (while existence engulfed in flames) meme from Gunshow and when Ross in Friends keeps insisting he'due south "fine" - both of which are very pop and hilarious memes that are used all the time.


"A Little Help Would Be, You Know, Helpful"

Stiles's sarcastic wit is what makes him such a lovable grapheme. Even in minor lines, such every bit this, his personality can non help but shine through.

This funny moment would brand a brilliant meme to send to someone who is maybe non pulling their weight or helping like they should be. The hilarious quote equally a meme could featureTeen Wolf'due south resident lovable goofball on the level of the adorable "Send Help" animal memes, except with an extra bit of sarcasm that just might kick someone into gear and become them to finally help.

Just Ignore The Problem

"Personally, I'm A Fan Of Ignoring A Trouble Until Eventually It Simply Goes Away."

While this quote completely goes against Stiles's impulsive personality in Teen Wolf, it is still hilarious. While it may not be true for Stiles, it is true for many fans of the show who have already made this quote into GIFs and trade. Unfortunately, Stiles never seems to have the luxury of ignoring his supernatural issues, simply that does not hateful viewers can't.

Many connect to the hilarious memes of "Me ignoring my problems," while everything in the background burns and crashes. This would make an equally brilliant meme to send to friends or someone who is pestering near a problem that they just don't want to solve.

Less Pressure, Please!

"That Sounds Like A Lot Of Pressure. Tin can We Maybe Find A Slightly Less Pressure-Filled Job For Me?"

While Stiles is 1 of the near intelligent characters in the show, he is also a teenager who faces stress and pressure level similar anyone else. And so to be asked to be a crucial part of an important plan can be daunting, and wanting a "less pressure-filled task" is perfectly understandable.

Stiles is a relatable character, peculiarly because he is ane of the few non-supernatural ones in the show. Immature people, particularly, chronicle to his experiences with feet and mental health. That is why it would brand a brilliant meme for as-nervous people to ship to friends and laugh most.

It'due south The Adderall

"What Did You Find? Where Did Yous Find Information technology? How Did You Discover It? And Yes, I've Had A Lot Of Adderall."

In another relatable quote from the 2nd episode of Teen Wolf, the creators thankfully do not hibernate the fact that Stiles has ADHD and takes Adderall for it. Often it is Stiles'southward impulsive decisions that make or break a plan, as well as his endless curiosity that saves the pack.

This hilarious quote resonates with immature viewers who also have ADHD and take medication to help them. It would brand the perfect meme nearly neurodiversity that could inform people, as well every bit entertain.

He Has The Solution

"What Yous Need Is To Be Browbeaten. Severely. With A Pb Piping Wrapped In Barbed Wire."

Though Stiles is human, he is not afraid to threaten the supernatural creatures that are antagonizing him and the rest of the pack - and there are a lot of them. This moment with the almost equally hilarious Theo epitomizes Stiles's confrontation fashion.

Viewers can relate to this moment and empathize that Stiles was right in that sometimes a person actually just needs to exist taken down a peg or 2. This quote as a meme would exist the perfect response to a friend or even a stranger online that needs to have a moment and re-examine before they say something they regret and can't accept back.

My Mind Is A Bare

"I Can't Think Of Annihilation, My Listen'southward A Complete Blank."

Stiles, the master of improvisation and thinking-on-his-feet, not being able to come up with anything to say under pressure is already a funny image.

This would also make a hilarious meme for any situation in which the sender can't think of annihilation - because information technology absolutely happens to everyone. It would exist perfect for during a group ice-breaker when asked the terrifying question, "What practise you like to do?" and suddenly the brain dies like a phone battery.

NEXT: 10 Most Cringeworthy Parts of Teen Wolf, Co-ordinate To Reddit

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