Easy Way to Level My Rv Fridge With Blocks

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Leveling makes your camper more comfortable to stay in and helps features like gas refrigerators function properly. Information technology'southward washed with a level and some plastic leveling blocks or wood scraps. After leveling the camper from side to side, level it from front end to back past adjusting the tongue jack. Have the time to exercise this and you'll keep your camper condom and stable.

  1. 1

    Pick a apartment identify to park. Try to find a parking spot that is as flat every bit possible. Leveling is meant to recoup for minor footing unevenness, so parking on a gradient will still be uncomfortable and dangerous.[1]

    • If the ground slopes to the camper'due south side, reposition the camper and so the ground slopes towards the front or back end.
  2. 2

    Articulate out the surface area before leveling the camper. Brand sure there aren't whatever rocks, big branches, or camping ground items nearby, since these can get in the way. Afterwards, inquire everyone to move away from the camper while you piece of work.[ii]


  3. 3

    Utilise a level to measure out the camper from side to side. Bring along an cheap level, such as a surface or bubble level. Lay the level from left to right in the camper'due south doorway. The side of the level that is lower is the side of the camper you'll need to raise.

    • Keep the camper hitched until you're done leveling it from side to side.
  4. 4

    Place leveling blocks near the tires. Leveling blocks are like strong, plastic Lego blocks for campers. Snap them together to form a ramp for the camper. Place them in front of the tire you demand to enhance. These blocks can be purchased at general stores similar Walmart as well equally camper stores.[3]

    • A cheaper leveling option is 2 in × 10 in (5.i cm × 25.4 cm) pieces of lumber. The wood e'er has to exist wider than the tires. As well, wood tin can take upward a lot of storage infinite and, if the wood is rotten or broken, it shouldn't be used.
  5. 5

    Drive the camper onto the blocks. Slowly bulldoze the camper forward onto the leveling blocks. If you're having trouble, ask someone to guide you. The wheels should be firmly on the blocks. Mensurate the camper's levelness once more and make adjustments as needed.

    • If it feels easier for y'all, place the leveling blocks behind the wheels and back onto them instead.
    • If part of the tire hangs off the leveling block or woods scrap, the tires will weaken over time. Readjust the camper to avoid this.
  6. 6

    Place wheel chocks under the tires to hold the camper still. Chocks are a safety measure, then use them even when you think y'all don't need them. Place the chocks under the wheel, wedging them in place by mitt. Place them backside the wheels if the ground slopes towards the rear cease of the camper.[4]

    • Wheel chocks tin can exist institute at general stores and camping supply stores. If y'all don't have any, wood scraps can exist used instead.
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  1. 1

    Place pieces of wood under the natural language jack. The tongue jack is the front end office of the camper that connects to your vehicle. Stack a few 2 in × 10 in (five.ane cm × 25.4 cm) wood scraps under it so it has a place to rest. The woods will ensure that the camper stays level during utilise.[five]

    • You lot can also get a bicycle dock from a camping supply shop. Set the tongue jack in it and you lot won't need the wood.
  2. 2

    Unhitch the camper. Once you lot have fabricated a resting spot for the jack, unhitch it from your vehicle's bumper. Set the jack's metallic shaft on the wood. Move your vehicle out of the mode so you can finish leveling and stabilizing the camper.

  3. iii

    Mensurate the camper's levelness from front to dorsum. Set the level in the camper's door over again. This fourth dimension, lay it so the ends point to the camper's front end and dorsum. If 1 side is lower than the other, yous'll demand to accommodate the camper further.

  4. four

    Accommodate the natural language jack to lower the camper. Read your owner's manual to discover out how to accommodate the jack. Ordinarily the jack will have a crank that yous can turn by paw to raise or lower information technology on its metal shaft. Continue doing this until the camper is level from front to back.

    • Adding or removing wood boards can as well help level the camper perfectly.
  5. 5

    Place wood scraps under the stabilizing jacks. The stabilizing jacks are on the camper's 4 corners. These jacks aren't meant for leveling, simply volition forestall your camper from rocking and falling out of level. Identify two or more ii in × four in (5.1 cm × 10.2 cm) wood blocks under each stabilizer to ensure they won't move.[vi]

    • If your camper doesn't take stabilizers, yous can have a professional person permanently install them. Alternatively, place jack stands from automotive stores under the camper'southward corners.
  6. 6

    Lower the jacks onto the wood. Check your owner'south manual to find out how to suit the stabilizing jacks. Bring the jacks down until they're planted firmly on the wood.

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    What are the stabilizing jacks for?

    Budhi Suhradi

    Budhi Suhradi

    Community Answer

    They are for levelling and aligning the body of vehicles. A stabilizing jacks system has two systems, namely hydraulic and manual.

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  • Check lumber yards for fleck wood to utilise as leveling blocks. Ofttimes, you can take the scrap domicile for free.


  • Park the camper on level ground to avoid tipping.

  • Using stabilizer jacks to support the camper'due south weight volition permanently damage them.

  • To avoid tire damage, simply use leveling blocks wider than the tires.


Things Y'all'll Need

  • A level
  • Leveling blocks or ii in × 10 in (five cm × 25 cm) bit woods
  • Wheel chocks or wood scraps

About This Article

Article Summary Ten

Leveling your camper makes information technology more comfortable to stay in and helps your appliances function properly. Yous'll need a bubble level, pieces of woods, and leveling blocks to properly level your camper. To measure your camper'south side to side angle, apply your bubble level. If it's non direct, identify the leveling blocks near the tires and bulldoze the camper onto them. Then, use wheel chocks to secure the wheels. Use your bubble level to mensurate the front end to back angle of your camper. If it's non direct, identify the pieces of wood under the tongue jack and stabilizing jacks. And then, arrange the jacks until your camper's level. For more than tips, including how to avoid dissentious your tires when using leveling blocks, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Level-a-Camper

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